Site of Former Inverness Mart, 1997

Site of Former Inverness Mart, 1997

ID: PC_ROBERTREID_INV_MARKET_02 DESCRIPTION: This derelict site to the north of Millburn Road was used as a car park before the advent of the Eastgate Shopping Centre extension and Safeway (now Morrisons) supermarket. Prior to this, the area housed Inverness Mart. Farmers traditionally drove their livestock through the streets of Inverness to the cattle markets at the top of Stephen's Brae, and on the Barn Hill at the top of Raining's Stairs. From here the animals were often taken south to the trysts at Perth and Falkirk. The area north of Millburn Road had long been marshy ground, prone to flooding with a stagnant pool known as Loch Gorm. It was not until the mid-18th century that the area was drained and became suitable for building. A large proportion of the reclaimed land was eventually taken over by the cattle markets. PLACENAME: Inverness OLD COUNTY/PARISH: INVERNESS: Inverness and Bona CREATOR (AV): Robert Reid DATE OF IMAGE: 1997 PERIOD: 1990s SOURCE: Robert Reid Asset ID: 29852 KEYWORDS: