Ben Wyvis Hotel, Strathpeffer

Ben Wyvis Hotel, Strathpeffer

ID: QZP40_CARD_1250 DESCRIPTION: Ben Wyvis Hotel in the village of Strathpeffer. It is set in extensive grounds, with gracious entrance gates leading the visitor up an avenue to the porticoed entrance. Constructed over the ten years leading up to 1887, it was built to accommodate some of Strathpeffer's more up-market visitors during its hey-day as a spa resort. Robert Louis Stevenson features in its guest list. PLACENAME: Strathpeffer DISTRICT: Dingwall OLD COUNTY/PARISH: ROSS: Fodderty CREATOR (AV): J Valentine & Co. PERIOD: 1890s SOURCE: Highland Libraries COLLECTION: Highland Libraries' Postcard Collection Asset ID: 33176 KEYWORDS: