The Harbour, Portree, Skye

The Harbour, Portree, Skye

ID: QZP40_CARD_2345C DESCRIPTION: The third in a series of six pages comprising a letter card, this image of Portree Harbour was taken from the top of Quay Brae looking across the bay to Ben Tianavaig. One of the regular David MacBrayne steamers which provided a life-line for the islands is seen approaching the pier, no doubt carrying freight and the mail, as well as passengers. The harbour and pier were designed by Thomas Telford in 1818, and although the steamers no longer call, and the fishing fleet has all but disappeared, the harbour area is still very much part of the village PLACENAME: Portree DISTRICT: Skye OLD COUNTY/PARISH: INVERNESS: Portree CREATOR (AV): J Valentine & Co. PERIOD: 1940s SOURCE: Highland Libraries COLLECTION: Highland Libraries' Postcard Collection Asset ID: 34247 KEYWORDS: