Loch Leven and Garvan looking up to Kinlochleven

Loch Leven and Garvan looking up to Kinlochleven

ID: QZP40_CARD_3455 DESCRIPTION: This postcard contains a photograph with a view looking up Loch Leven towards Kinlochleven, just south of Fort William. Loch Leven is a sea-loch on the west coast of Scotland, which extends for just under nine miles, reaching a maximum width of over a mile. The village of Glencoe is located on its southern shore, and Kinlochleven is located at its eastern extent. Kinlochleven, located at the eastern end of Loch Leven, grew up around an Aluminium Processing Plant during the early twentieth century. Houses were rapidly erected in the region to cope with the burgeoning workforce. In 1907, a hydroelectric dam was constructed by the British Aluminium Company. At 914 metres long, it is the longest dam in the Highlands. Today, the aluminium works no longer function, and the area now derives much of its income from tourism. The impressive scenery offers ample opportunities for hill-walkers and the nearby Ice Factor, the largest indoor ice climbing centre in the world, has boosted the regions profile in recent years. PLACENAME: Kinlochleven DISTRICT: North Lorn OLD COUNTY/PARISH: ARGYLL: Lismore and Appin SOURCE: Highland Libraries COLLECTION: Highland Libraries' Postcard Collection Asset ID: 35301 KEYWORDS: