Ardvreck Castle, Loch Assynt from Inchnadamph

Ardvreck Castle, Loch Assynt from Inchnadamph

ID: QZP40_CARD_3771 DESCRIPTION: The ruins of Ardvreck Castle on the shores of Loch Assynt near Inchnadamph. The castle is believed to have been built in the late 1500s by the Macleods who had gained control of the area of Assynt in the 13th century. In 1650, James Graham, Marquis of Montrose, was captured and imprisoned in Ardvreck Castle before being taken to Edinburgh and hanged. The castle was later acquired by the MacKenzies who had another mansion house, Calda House, close by. Both Calda House and Ardvreck Castle were destroyed by fire in the 18th century. PLACENAME: Ardvreck OLD COUNTY/PARISH: SUTHERLAND: Assynt SOURCE: Highland Libraries COLLECTION: Highland Libraries' Postcard Collection Asset ID: 35607 KEYWORDS: