Crathie: Life in a Crofting Township (19 of 25)

Crathie: Life in a Crofting Township (19 of 25)

ID: KIGHF_ROSIE_CAMPBELL_19 DESCRIPTION: Crathie was one of the last Badenoch townships to be abandoned in the 20th century. Situated north of the River Spey, at the entrance to Glen Markie, Crathie once supported thirty families. Rosie Campbell, a native of Laggan, used to spend her childhood summers in Crathie, staying with her friend Maggie MacPherson. In this audio extract Rosie remembers school provision in the area. (Image - Ruins at Crathie) 'Interviewer: Which school would the children have used? Well, the school in the Glen was used by the children from Garthbeg, Garthmore, Sherramore, Glenshero and Sherrabeg and when they got older they came down to the school at Laggan which is called Gergask. They came to the school there as they got older. Latterly, the county started supplying them with bicycles to come there. They supplied the bicycles. They would be about twelve to thirteen when they were coming to the Gergask school, but the school in the Glen was under the schoolteacher, the headteacher at Gergask, went out once a month to see the registers. One afternoon a month he went away on his bicycle, after lunch, to see the registers up in the glen. Interviewer: Would they have to wear a uniform? No, no, no. They, just as they were. Some of the boys wore kilts and some of them just wore trousers and that. Some of the boys used, what they called in these days, knickerbockers, and that. Other voice: The Crathie ones didn't go to the Glen. No Crathie ones - all from Sherrabeg, eh Crathie children, all came to Gergask school and all the surrounding area came to Gergask or Laggan.' PLACENAME: Crathie DISTRICT: Badenoch OLD COUNTY/PARISH: INVERNESS: Laggan CREATOR (AV): Rosie Campbell DATE OF RECORDING: 7 December 1983 PERIOD: 1980s SOURCE: Highland Folk Museum COLLECTION: Highland Folk Museum: Crathie Township Asset ID: 41269 KEYWORDS: