Highland soldiers

Highland soldiers

ID: PC_GLENGARRY_COSTUME2_06 DESCRIPTION: Scottish soldiers in Highland dress. These men appear to be on the side of the English forces – the piper has what looks like a St George pennant, and the man with the musket has a pouch with the letters GB clearly displayed. The belted plaid consisted of a double width of fabric about 1.5 metres wide and about 5 metres long. This would be assembled on the ground by lying on the fabric, which was then arranged in pleats and then draped around the body and belted. The draped section could be worn wrapped around the shoulders like a cloak as protection against bad weather, pinned and held in place over a short jacket, or hanging loose. Although gentlemen and officers sometimes wore tartan trews when riding, the simplicity, versatility and classless nature of the plaid meant it was widely worn by all ranks of society. SOURCE: Glengarry Heritage Centre COLLECTION: Glengarry Heritage Centre Asset ID: 49183 KEYWORDS: