MV 'Lochmor' and MV 'Lochearn' off Kyle of Lochalsh

MV 'Lochmor' and MV 'Lochearn' off Kyle of Lochalsh

ID: HCD00231 DESCRIPTION: The sister ships Lochmor and Lochearn, with a tonnage of 542, were built for the MacBrayne company in 1930 for the Inner and Outer Isles services. MV Lochmor sailed the west coast of Skye, coming from Mallaig, then out to Harris and Uist. She was also used for cruises from Mallaig to Loch Scavaig on Skye for tourist trips to Loch Coruisk. MV Lochearn was used mainly on the Inner Island mail service to Tobermory, Coll, Tiree, Barra and South Uist until 1955. Some people were unimpressed by the new ships, with their small funnels and almost vertical masts. However, the accommodation on board was a big improvement on previous ships on the routes. This photograph shows an unusual situation, with both ships lying alongside each other off Kyle of Lochalsh. The Lochmor had run aground on a sandbank. The Lochearn was dispatched to rescue her sister ship but she too became stuck. Both vessels were barely a year old. The 85 year old paddle steamer Glencoe was called in to assist them and successfully toed them both off. Duncan Macpherson, the photographer, was well acquainted with the skipper of the Lochmor, Captain Robertson. Indeed, Captain Robertson was one of the most well known officers of the MacBrayne fleet, known to everyone as "Squeaky" due to his high-pitched Highland voice This image can be purchased. For further information about purchasing and prices please email Skye and Lochalsh Archives PLACENAME: Kyle of Lochalsh DISTRICT: South West OLD COUNTY/PARISH: ROSS: Lochalsh CREATOR (AV): Duncan Macpherson DATE OF IMAGE: 1931 PERIOD: 1930s SOURCE: Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre COLLECTION: Duncan Macpherson (photographs) Asset ID: 11958 KEYWORDS: