A bheil naidheachd bheag agad a tha a' sealltainn taobh 'daonna' a' chuspair speisealta agad? - Margaret Bennett
A bheil naidheachd bheag agad a tha a' sealltainn taobh 'daonna' a' chuspair speisealta agad? - Margaret Bennett
Dearbh-aithne:AB_SGI_02_MARGARET_BENNETT_Q_04TUAIRISGEUL:Mar phàirt de Thilleadh Dhachaigh 2009, chaidh co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta trì latha - Buaidh Chruinneil na h-Alba - a chumail ann an Taigh-chluiche Eden Court, Inbhir Nis, bho 22-24 Dàmhair. Thàinig sgoilearan, eachdraichean is eòlaichean eile còmhla gus deasbaireachd fhallain a bhrosnachadh mu eachdraidh imrich agus a' bhuaidh a bha aig muinntir na h-Alba thall-thairis.
Rinn Am Baile agallamhan le grunn luchd-labhairt rè na co-labhairt. San earrainn chlaistinnich seo, tha an Dr Margaret Bennett a' freagairt na ceiste:
"A bheil naidheachd bheag agad a tha a' sealltainn taobh 'daonna' a' chuspair speisealta agad fhèin?"
'And one of my memories there was that they sent somebody walking down, just about four, five miles from where we stayed, to say, 'Mr Bennett, we heard you play this Scottish instrument. Bagpipes, I think it's called? We wonder, would you play at the fishermen's hall for our concert?' So my father said he was delighted and he said, 'Well, I'll bring my daughter as well, she'll sing for you.' So we were just delighted we could do something because basically they were, a lot of them were unemployed, and there was no work, and the fishing was not in great shape at the time.
So, away we went and the fishermen's hall had no electricity, of course, but it had little paraffin lamps all around the walls - this is in 1967 - and there was benches, like this old school gym benches, that was the seating, only they were homemade, and when my father went on the stage with the bagpipes the front row sort of all collectively stood up and scuffled forward till their knees were against the stage, and the whole hall moved forward. And we discovered that we weren't there as contributions to the fishermen's concert, we were the concert!
And so, oh, two hours I suppose, we played and sang. But for me the lovely thing was, they sang as well. You know, I'd say to them, 'I'd love, you know, I'd love you to sing with me', but for me that was natural because I grew up in that kind of a situation and I thought, 'Well, they probably don't realise that this kind of a way of life is my people as well, but we've, we've moved on a bit in the 1960s', but my mother had certainly experienced that kind of, you know, lacking in material things.'
Thogadh an Dtr Mairead Bennett air an Eilean Sgitheanach, ann an Leòdhas agus ann an Sealtainn. Rinn i às-imrich a Chanada ann an 1967 mar oileanach iar-cheumnach ann an Dualchas aig Oilthigh Cuimhneachail Newfoundland. Ann an 1975 's i an Neach-dualchais aig Pròiseact Quebec-Innse Ghall aig Taigh-tasgaidh a' Civilisation, a' tilleadh a dh'Alba ann an 1976. Bho 1984 bha i na h-òraidiche aig Oilthigh Dhùin Èidinn, a' clàradh eachdraidh air aithris agus traidiseanan Albannach aig an taigh agus thall thairis.
Tha i a-nis pàirt-ùine aig Acadamaidh Rìoghail Alba de Cheòl is Dràma agus am measg a leabhraichean tha 'Scottish Customs from the Cradle to the Grave' (1992) agus dà sgrùdadh, a choisinn duaisean, air traidiseanan an luchd-às-imrich, 'The Last Stronghold: Scottish Gaelic Traditions in Newfoundland' (1989) agus 'Oatmeal and the Catechism: Scottish Gaelic Settlers in Quebec' (1999).
Tha i air a bhith ann an grunnan chlàran CD, tha i air seinn aig fèisean eadar-nàiseanta agus air cur ri grunnan riochdachaidhean thaigh-cluiche. Ann an 1998 fhuair i Duais a' 'Master Music Maker' a' comharrachadh fad beatha de dh'obair-chiùil agus theagaisg, agus ann an 2003, fhuair i Duais Eadar-nàiseanta nam Boireannaich Ceilteach airson 'lifelong service to Scottish Culture'. Airson An Tilleadh Albannach 2009 dh'fhoillsich i leabhar le CD dùbailte de dh'òrain a' sgaoileadh thar trì linntean, 'Dìleab Ailean-A Newfoundland Homecoming Cèilidh' (Grace Note Publications).ÀITE:Inbhir NisSIORRACHD/PARRAIST:INBHIR NIS: Inbhir Nis 's Am BànathDEIT:2009LINN:2000anNEACH-FIOSRACHAIDH:Am BaileCRUINNEACHADH:Scotland's Global ImpactID Maoin:41014KEYWORDS_GAELIC:
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Tha sinn a’ cleachdadh chriomagan airson an làrach-lìn againn a dhèanamh cho math ’s a ghabhas. Ma leanas tu ort a’ cleachdadh na làraich seo, tha sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil thu riaraichte leis a seo.Glè mhath