Carson a tha e cudromach an t-àm a chaidh seachad a rannsachadh? - Jim Hunter
Carson a tha e cudromach an t-àm a chaidh seachad a rannsachadh? - Jim Hunter
Dearbh-aithne:AB_SGI_03_JIM_HUNTER_Q_08TUAIRISGEUL:Mar phàirt de Thilleadh Dhachaigh 2009, chaidh co-labhairt eadar-nàiseanta trì latha - Buaidh Chruinneil na h-Alba - a chumail ann an Taigh-chluiche Eden Court, Inbhir Nis, bho 22-24 Dàmhair. Thàinig sgoilearan, eachdraichean is eòlaichean eile còmhla gus deasbaireachd fhallain a bhrosnachadh mu eachdraidh imrich agus a' bhuaidh a bha aig muinntir na h-Alba thall-thairis.
Rinn Am Baile agallamhan le grunn luchd-labhairt rè na co-labhairt. San earrainn chlaistinnich seo, tha an Proifeasair Jim Hunter a' freagairt na ceiste:
"Nad bheachd-sa, carson a tha e cudromach an t-àm a chaidh seachad a rannsachadh?"
'Well, I think it is important to understand- Well, in, I'm particularly interested in the Highlands, of course, but the same would apply anywhere, I guess, but it's, I don't think you can understand where, why any place is the way it is now, unless you understand how it came to be the way that it is now, and so I think that's extremely important. But, despite being interested in history and reading a lot about it, I'm not, I don't believe that one should, sort of, romanticise the past, and indeed nor do I believe, even though some aspects of the Highland story are pretty, pretty awful, I don't think one should become too sort of gloomy about it. I think it's important to, to, yes, know what happened, and, but as a kind of platform for going forward.
But I also, I also believe very strongly that in a Highland context that - and I said this, I think, this morning - that for so long people in this area were told that everything about them, their history, their heritage, their language, their culture, everything, was second rate, inferior, of no great account. And I think it's really important, if people are to be self confident, and enterprising, and all the rest, that they take a proper pride in their own heritage and history. But having said that, I don't mean that people should get all, kind of, bombastic about it. We, you know, we should know about our history and we should take pride in our culture and all the rest, but not in a way that denigrates somebody else's. That's what happened to us for long enough and we shouldn't start, we shouldn't be, we shouldn't, we should be able to take pride in our culture but also have respect for other people's cultures including, in the Highlands today, respect for the cultures of people who are moving into the Highlands who have no Highland roots but who, I think, we need to make welcome.'
'S e am Proifeasar Seumas Mac an t-Sealgair CBE FRSE an stiùiriche aig Ionad na h-Eachdraidh ann an Dòrnach aig UHI, Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean, a tha gu bhith stèidhichte. A bharrachd air a bhith trang ann am beatha poblach na sgìre, tha e cuideachd na ùghdar de aon leabhar deug air cuspairean na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean. Ann am meadhan nan 1980an 's e a rinneadh a' chiad stiùiriche aig Aonad nan Croitearan, an-diugh Stèidheachd nan Croitearan. Nas fhaisg air an là an-diugh bha e na chathraiche aig Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean, buidheann leasachaidh taobh a tuath na h-Alba. Tro dhreuchd ioma-thaobhach, tha Seumas cuideachd air a bhith na neach-naidheachd agus na neach-craolaidh. An-dràsta tha e na bhall bùird aig Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba agus na chathraiche aig Comataidh Comhairle Saidheansail na buidhinn sin.ÀITE:Inbhir NisSIORRACHD/PARRAIST:INBHIR NIS: Inbhir Nis 's Am BànathDEIT:2009LINN:2000anNEACH-FIOSRACHAIDH:Am BaileCRUINNEACHADH:Scotland's Global ImpactID Maoin:41026KEYWORDS_GAELIC:
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Tha sinn a’ cleachdadh chriomagan airson an làrach-lìn againn a dhèanamh cho math ’s a ghabhas. Ma leanas tu ort a’ cleachdadh na làraich seo, tha sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil thu riaraichte leis a seo.Glè mhath