Craichidh: Beatha ann am Baile Croitearachd (6 de 25)

Craichidh: Beatha ann am Baile Croitearachd (6 de 25)

Dearbh-aithne: KIGHF_ROSIE_CAMPBELL_06 TUAIRISGEUL: B' e Craichidh fear de na bailtean mu dheireadh am Bàideanach a chaidh a thrèigeadh san 20mh linn. Na laighe gu tuath air Abhainn Spè, aig beul Ghleann Marcaidh, bha Craichidh uaireigin na dhachaigh do dheich teaghlaichean ar fhichead. B' àbhaist do Rosie Chaimbeul, tè às an Lagan, samhraidhean a h-òige a chur seachad ann an Craichidh, a' fuireach aig a caraid, Magaidh Nic a' Phearsain. Sa phìos chlaistinneach seo tha cuimhn' aig Rosie air teaghlach MhicFhilip san sgìre. (Dealbh - Tobhtaichean aig Craichidh, mar a chithear iad bho rathad Ghleann Mharcaidh. © Dlighe-sgrìobhaidh le Richard Webb, ceadaichte airson ath-chleachdadh fo 'Creative Commons Licence 2.0') 'Interviewer: Now, up behind the shop... ...was MacKillop's house. Interviewer: Yes, MacKillop. Again, MacKillop's, he lived alone... Interviewer: Yes. ...and he was known locally as 'Catch the Ten'. And he drove his, he seemed to be about Sherramore quite a lot; he drove the horse and dog cart from the glen, for their messages at the weekend, down to Laggan Bridge - that was one of his jobs - and in the summertime he was the same, employed there, for the shooting tenants. He would have been an odd man round Sherramore, I expect, in these days. Interviewer: And what did that house look like? Well, again, it - I just can't mind so much about it, because him being alone, you weren't in it the same as you were in the others. But it was the usual - I might have been in it right enough, but not taken much notice of it - it was the same as the Shendlars [?], the same type of house again as they're - thatched roof and - they were both thatched roofs. The Shendlars [?] was the same; they were thatched-roof houses, whitewashed walls and, like that, white inside round their chimneys, just much the same as the others, and their furniture was much the same, yes. Interviewer: Ok' ÀITE: Craichidh SGÌRE: Bàideanach SIORRACHD/PARRAIST: INBHIR NIS: Lagan DEIT: 7 An Dùbhlachd 1983 LINN: 1980an NEACH-FIOSRACHAIDH: Taigh-tasgaidh Dualchas na Gàidhealtachd CRUINNEACHADH: Highland Folk Museum: Crathie Township ID Maoin: 41256 KEYWORDS_GAELIC: