Northern Interest in the War: A Caithness Man in the Royal Scots & an interesting letter from the trenches

Northern Interest in the War: A Caithness Man in the Royal Scots & an interesting letter from the trenches

Dearbh-aithne: QZP40_WWI_NEWS_150219_GROAT_A TUAIRISGEUL: Tha an t-artaigil seo bhon deasachadh den John O'Groat Journal a chaidh fhoillseachadh air 19 Gearran 1915. Tha e mar phàirt de Leugh Mu Dheidhinn! : pròiseact mun A' Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan rè a' Chogaidh Mhòir DEIT: 19 Gearran 1915 LINN: 1910an NEACH-FIOSRACHAIDH: Leabharlainn na Gàidhealtachd CRUINNEACHADH: Read All About It! : The Highlands During World War One - (07) February 1915 ID Maoin: 43554 KEYWORDS_GAELIC: